Stereoviews and Fine 19th
& 20th Century Antique Photographs
19th year on the Internet!
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I have a lot of views that are not listed. I can
sometimes provide collections of relatively inexpensive views in
various subject areas including countries, states, and misc.
locations and subjects. Subjects like comic sets, romance and humor,
children and animals and other misc. are not listed much on the
site. Email me and
I'll see what I can do
of stereo images will enhance your enjoyment of my pages.
Free-viewing is seeing the image in 3D without a stereoscope. To
learn more about free-viewing click >> Free-viewing
Underwood & Underwood.
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David L. Spahr
19th & 20th Century Photographs
16 Nelson Ridge Rd. S.
Washington, Maine 04574
call 207-215-2622 if you have
items to sell.
Send email to: dspahr3d@aol.com
Member of the National
Stereoscopic Association
info & some email humor
If you were looking for a big corporate site replete with
nameless, faceless, buck passers and flunkies who do not answer
email or cannot answer it expertly, or a site with fancy graphics
and automated systems, then you came to the wrong place. Please
leave now. At stereoviews.com you will be forced to deal with a real
person and friendly, reasonably knowledgeable personal replies. You
will be stuck with knowing exactly where the buck stops! Sorry to
put you through it, but that's the way it is around here.
A dealer in 19th & 20th
century photography as well as cameras, photographic related
items, ephemera, and selected antiques.
My specialty is stereoviews
(stereo cards, stereo view cards stereopticon), viewers, and
other 3D photography. I have views available in most subject
areas .
I also have
antique photo daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, tintypes, cartes de
visite (cdv's), cabinet cards, larger format photographs,
Viewmaster, Tru-Vue, etc. Email me your wants. I might have
it! If I don't, I can place you in my database for future
I am always interested in purchasing
better quality stereoviews and other photographs. See
what people at eBay say about me HERE.
Also, if you have interest in knowing more about the National
Stereoscopic Association , let me know and I will gladly mail
you the information.
I collect stereoviews.
The following are some of the subjects
that interest me. Maine views photographed or published by F.H.
Crockett, Rockland, ME., views of Gardiner or Washington, Maine,
selected New England views, Western, other U.S.A., photographic
related, ghosts, people painting portraits or landscapes, chess
related, martial arts or samurai, aviation, birds (especially
eagles, racing pigeons, and passenger pigeons), snakes, other
animals, hand colored, drinking & drunkenness, romance & humor,
comic sets, foreign, etc. etc.,
Obviously, I'm out of
I occasionally sell at
photographica and ephemera shows.
If you are coming to Maine, call for an appointment.
For Ordering Information > Select
Antique Photographs
Send mail to: dspahr3d@aol.com
This site was
created on May 27th, 1997 and is updated regularly.
