BL1- Keystone View Co.
18206-The Blacksmith's Shop. -"And he owes not any man."

BL2- Underwood & Underwood
Uncle Tom's Cabin - The Old Folks at Home. Kentucky, USA

BL3- Berry, Kelley, and Chadwick
"Honey Does Yo Lub Yo Man?"

BL4- Keystone View Co.
16771- Harvesting Peanuts, Marianna, Ark.

BL5- Keystone View Company
9397 - "I's Boun" to Hab a Christmas Dinna!"
$20 SOLD!

BL6- Underwood & Underwood
Is yo sho' lady
when I wear dese stockings I won' fin' ma laigs all black?
This appears to actually be a man.

BL7- O. Pierre Havens.
224. Plantation Scene:
Picking Cotton.

BL8- Underwood & Underwood
"Golly! Dis am Paradise."

BL9- unknown
51. Sugar Cane Plantation, La.
(as is, there is a fold on the right side,
otherwise great view)

BL10- unknown
812 - Mr. and Mrs. Newlywed's Next "French"
$15 SOLD!

BL11- Keystone View Company.
9397. "I's Boun' to Hab a
Christmas Dinna!"

BL12- Underwood & Underwood
It's not always best to "keep in the middle of the

BL13- Keystone View Company
"How much ob dis road am you "titled to, suh?"

BL14- Unknown
Picking Cotton. White Cotton Pickers.

BL15- Unknown.
6063. "Doing Business on a Small Scale"

BL16- Underwood & Underwood.
"How de Debble Does dey Make a Bicycle?"

BL17- Webster & Albee
21 How de Debil do da Make a Bicycle

BL18- B. W. Kilburn
6951 Pickers grouped in cotton field.
$8 SOLD!