ESD1- E&HT Anthony
Darien Expedition. 21. Chipagana. Group of natives
$15 Trimmed, as is.

ESD2- Keystone View Company
13326 Hauling Snow for Water Supply Belgica Ant-Arctic
Expedition 1897-99

ESD3- Expedition of 1873. Wheeler Survey.
T.H. O'Sullivan photo. Explorations and Surveys
West of the 100th Meridian.
No 30. Apache Lake, Summit of Sierra
Blanca Mountains, About 85 miles east from Camp Apache, Arizona, and
10,500 feet above sea-level .
$100 USD

ESD4- Keystone View Company
13327 Roald Amundsen, Discoverer of South Pole, Inspecting
Ice Field near Glacier, Dec. 16, 1911, Antarctic Ocean