These are some views from my collection for
your entertainment. They are not for sale.
"Dot Wagner Music vas almost
human sometimes."
"You brute! You shall not smoke
"He Thought Something
Honk! Honk! "Gol-Durn Ye! I've
ez much rite on the road ez ye."
"Great Scott! I don't remember
ordering chicken for breakfast!"
W.S. Smith. The egg he got for breakfast.
After Wild Grapes.
Try our sausages! Made while you wait so you can see just
what you're getting.
The Great American Bed-bug - A Traveling Man's
(Wrong room) (Hic!) "Didn't know I'd already gone to
Of course I'm good - Papa calls me a Holy Terror."
In a State of Suspense.
Maintaining discipline - the Court in session - a Hunter's
Camp, Indian Territory, U.S.A.
O'Brians's Monday. She says "You Will!"
Thanksgiving at Grandfather's - A Strenuous