B. W. Kilburn
13687. Putting Passengers ashore at East London,
South Africa

MIL-2 Keystone View Co. 9347 - U. S. Battleship
"Oregon," Showing 13-inch Gun that Destroyed the
Spanish Cruiser "Viscaya" at Battle of
Santiago. $8
Underwood & Underwood
Officers and men of the Japanese armoured Cruiser "Asama",
one of the fleet which attacked Port Arthur.
Keystone View Company
16729 - Wagon Used to Haul Ammunition
to Admiral Perry on Lake Erie (1813)
- "Prairie Schooner" Type.
Underwood & Underwood. 7559- Enormous 11-inch
shell from Japanese siege gun, beginning its deadly flight
into Port Arthur. $8
Underwood & Underwood. 2845- Telling the Surgeon how
the light eases are getting on, Orange River Hospital, South
Africa. $8
B. W. Kilburn
12647. Double Turreted Monitor.
MIL-8 Underwood & Underwood. Volley Fire Drill - Cadets,
West Point Military Academy. $15.
Underwood & Underwood. (3) In a field Hospital on
the Tugela River. $8
Kilburn Brothers
No. 322 Soldiers' Cemetery, Arlington
Griffith & Griffith
For Porto Rico. "Our Boys" Embarking on the St.
MIL-12 H.C. White. 8349. Cavalry Practice, jumping
obstructions, Drilling Grounds, Hiroshima, Japan. $20
MIL-13 H.C. White. 8567. Breech and Bore of 16 in. Gun (largest
ever constructed)War Department Exhibit, Louisiana Purchase
Exposition, St. Louis, U. S. A. $20
MIL-14 Universal Photo Art Co. 154. Battle of Little Big
Horn. Custer's last fight. From a painting. $6
Underwood & Underwood
The Christening - Launching the great Battleship
"Illinois," Newport News.
MIL-16 H.C. White. 7425.Forward Deck, Battleship Massachusetts,
U.S.N. $20
MIL-17 Realistic Travels.
An exciting chase! Destroyer speed on trail of a murderous
U-boat preving on our shinning.
$10 |
MIL-18 W. E. Troutman
5129- No Man's Land, Large Shell Bursting in the Distance.
$10 |