NP1- E&HT Anthony
81 - South or Half Dome. From Alpine Trail.
NP2- F. Jay Haynes.
4551 - Boat Landing, Yellowstone Lake
NP3- Underwood & Underwood
Jupiter Terrace, Mammoth Springs Fountain - wonderful deposits
by the boiling pools - Yellowstone Park, U.S.A.
NP4- O.W. Watson, Spokane Wash.
613 Rustic Falls and Golden Gate. This
shows Watson's photo wagon. Stained at the top.
NP5- Underwood & Underwood
The Riverside Geyser in eruption, Yellowstone Park, U.S.A.

NP6- Unknown
Vernal Falls Yosemite
NP7- Continent Stereograph Co.
Yosemite Falls Yosemite.
Keystone View Co.
26496 T A mountain of "Petrified Water" - Pulpit Terrace and
Mammoth Springs Hotel,
Yellowstone National Park, Wyo.
NP9- F Jay Haynes
1303. - Old Faithful Geyser During Eruption.
NP10- Underwood & Underwood.
8964 - Fathoming depths of a vanished river - Grand Canon from
Hance's Cove, Arizona
NP11- John P. Soule
1239. Cathedral Spires, (2400 feet above the Valley) from
NP12- HC White
12024 Cleopatra Terraces, the most beautiful in the Park,
Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone Park, USA
NP13- HC White
No. 656 The charmingly situated Sentinel Hotel and the Upper
Yosemite Falls (1500 feet) Yosemite Valley Cal., USA
Underwood & Underwood
6246 - Fort Yellowstone among the mountains, headquarters of
U.S. Troops, Yellowstone Park, U.S.A.

NP15- Underwood & Underwood
6279 - Down the River and Canon. N.E. from brink of Lower
Falls, Yellowstone Park.

NP16- HC White
654 The stupendous El Capitan, 3200 feet high, from across
the beautiful Merced River, Yosemite Valley Cal., USA
Ansel Adams image didn't feature a horse.
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