LF-1 16x20 hand-colored print of Owl's Head Lighthouse, Owl's Head, Maine,
c. early 20th century.
Really nice with
original framing
LF-2 Dazario? Russian? 8x11 albumen print late 19th Century of
the Kremlin etc. Moscow Russia.. Similar to pg. 220 of
"Masterpieces of Photography" by Robert Sobieskek.
Some minor foxing.
LF-3 Carbon print? Alf Campbell photo
Athens Greece c. 1900
with original framing. Nice. $100
LF-4 Platinum Print? 6x10 in By Heilman
of Lake St. Marys at
Glacier National Park.
LF-5 Francis Frith. Torquay, England.
About 5 1/2 x 10 in.
LF-6 F.S. Mann, Hastings.
Promenade Pier, Hastings.
Nice instantaneous.
4 1/4 x 6 3/4 in.
Ghost imaging. 1870s-80s.
LF-7 3 1/4" by 4 3/4 " oval on
3 1/4" by 5 7/8" albumen sheet of paper.
A rare albumen photograph attributed to Carleton E. Watkins
of the Palace Hotel in San Francisco, California
LF-8 4 1/2 x 6 1/2 in handcolored print by Berryman showing a
This may be San Diego 1915 Expo?
LF-9 George Kendall Warren.
Salt print 7 1/2" x 9"
circa 1863 Yale
University. $175
LF-10 George Kendall Warren.
Salt print 7 1/2" x 9" 1863 Yale
Abdullah Frieres. No. 194.
7 1/2 x 10 albumen print on a 11" by 14"
Street scene in Constantinople.
LF-12 unknown photographer
5" by 7" early photo of doctor's office
on a 7" by 9" mat.
$30 |
LF-15 Late 19th century print 4 1/2" x 6 1/2"
of Bellerica
$45 |
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