EXPO1 Keystone View Co.
W25900 Half-Moon of Henry Hudson, Pageant Picture of
Hudson-Fulton Celebration, New York.

EXPO2 HH Bennett
1888 St. Paul Ice Carnival 1561 Looking straight up through
the main tower.

EXPO3 William England
12. The Hop Queen by J. Durham
International Exposition, 1873
(soft left bottom corner)

EXPO4 James Cremer, Stereoscopic Views
1149 Cold
International Exhibition, 1876

EXPO5- Griffith & Griffith
8. Center Square Illuminated, Fireman's Convention, Allentown,

EXPO6- Celery City View Co..
AYP Exposition Series Fine arts building
The Alaska–Yukon–Pacific Exposition was
a world's fair held in Seattle in 1909

EXPO7- Universal View Co.
Palace of Horticulture and Surround Garden Display of Plant Life,
World's Fair, St. Louis 1904.

EXPO8- Universal View Co
Double Deck Car and Stteam Motor, Garnd Entrance, Paris Expo 1900.

EXPO9- Unknown
Horticultural Hall, Phila.

EXPO10- E.& H.T. Anthony. French Views.
No. 1006
Interieur du Palais de Industrie.

EXPO11- BW Kilburn
17187. The Grand Army of Fighters from the US Navy, Jamestown

EXPO12- BW Kilburn
16238. The Guernseys lined up for inspection, Great Stock Show,
La. Purchase Exposition, St. Louis

EXPO13- BW Kilburn
16206. Festival Hall and Fountains by Night, La. Purchase
Exposition, St. Louis

EXPO14- Negretti & Zambra
Grounds of the Crystal Palace.

EXPO15- Unknown
The Roman Court. Dublin Exhibition 1865

EXPO16- B.W. Kilburn
10654. The Coming Woman, Atlanta Exposition.