NP17- Keystone View Co..
13584 "Old Faithful" Queen of Geysers. Yellowstone National Park,
Wyo., USA A lot better than this scan.
NP18- Underwood & Underwood
15. The "Black Warrior" Geyser waving a banner of steam and
spray, Yellowstone Park, U.S.A.
NP19- Keystone View Co.
V26497 T Sunrise in Yellowstone Park, over Upper Geyser Basin.
NP20- Keystone View Co.
26496 T A Mountain of "Petrified Water"-Pulpit
Terrace and Mammoth Springs Hotel, Yellowstone Nat. Park, Wyo.
NP21- E. & H. T. Anthony
Glories of Yosemite, California. 119.-Sugar Pine Cones.

NP22- HC White
Great Falls of the Yellowstone, Yellowstone Park.
NP23- E. & H. T. Anthony
Glories of the Yosemite Valley. 7353.-Lower Yosemite Falls,
600 feet high.

NP24 - HC White
652 The Wawona Road in the Valley - Showing the Bridal Veil
Falls,Yosemite Valley Cal., USA.
$10 |

NP25 - HC White
670 Nevada Falls (600 feet) and Cap of Liberty, Yosemite
Valley, California, USA

NP26- Northern Pacific Scenery
4567 Splendid Geyser

NP27- Northern Pacific Scenery
4548 The Mammoth Paint Pots.

NP28- Universal View Co.
(19) Vernal Fals From the Gorge, It's Waters Radiant and
Sparkling with Imprisoned Sunlight (350 ft. Leap) Yosemite
Valley, Cal.

NP29- Keystone View Company
29588 Riverside Geyser Sputs Its 100-Foot Jet Obliquely
across Firehole River, Yellowstone Nat. Park, Wyo.

NP30- BW Kilburn
11873. Grandeur of Yosemite in Winter, Cal.

NP31- HC White
663. From Glacie Point across the valley to the Yosemite
Falls, Yosemite Valley, Cal., USA.

NP32- Keystone View Company
26496 A Mountain of "Petrified Water" - Pulpit
Terrace and Mammoth Springs Hotel, Yellowstone Nat. Park

NP33 - Keystone View Company
6248 - How an overflowing spring begins to build a terrace of
"geyserite" deposits, Yellowstone Park, U.S.A.

NP34 - T. W. Ingersoll
1273 B (?) Crystal Cascades, 140 ft. high,
Yellowstone National Park
(some wear on lower left mount,
otherwise great view)
$10 |